Go Door to Door
- Hand out a 10 trip card (ten trips and you get a free coffee - see Clubs)
- Introduce yourself, your menu and your coffee to every one who is within walking distance.
- Offer Specials to Special Types of Offices: The Judges Sandwich for the courthouse, The Doctors Inn for the Doctor. Be creative and have fun - people will catch the fever.
Get into the Office Coffee Business
This is not hard to do
Sell deals to offices. Try one on for size:
- Buy a pour over brewer and lend it to the local doctors office and supply the coffee (let Sam's Club do the napkins).
- Sell it ground in one pound tin tie bags and always ship it UPS (UPS will pickup from your store for $6 or so and this drops to $6 per week as you get to daily pickups).
Do not deliver. If you deliver you will be delivering for the rest of your life. (Deliver on your promise of great coffee-hire someone to deliver the packages.)
Just try one.
Use the profits to do the second. Then the two to do the third. Just keep going.
Deliver only if you want to start a delivery service.
Get a tickler file at Staples (numbered 1 to 31) and put the next shipment date in the proper date slot. Check this file every day. Your objective is to fill the file with one sheet for each customer.
Put each customer on a single white page and note there coffee selections, grind, flavors, next date, last date, person's name, telephone number, special directions, credit card and the like.
Each morning pull the sheet, call to confirm, and send the coffee.